Welcome to State Home Care Services, Inc.
There is no place like home. Truer words have never been spoken in regards to the dynamic changes occurring within the health care profession. The trends of decreased inpatient hospital stays, decreased admissions to nursing homes, and increase in awareness of preventative medicine within the home setting has caused a revolution in the way health care services are delivered in the home.
Some advantages of home health care include:
No transportation problems for those who are homebound.
Shorter Recovery Time
From illness, injury or surgery. People at home tend to eat and sleep better, and are more active in their daily living. “Just what the doctor ordered!”
Potential complication from surgery or Illness, medication actions and side effects, nutrition concerns, need for assistance with activities of daily living and many other safety concerns are monitored on a continuous basis
Lower Cost
Ongoing monitoring and the coordination of home care services also aides in decreasing costs by identifying complications earlier. This allows the doctor to treat these complications promptly and may prevent hospitalization; which helps reduce health care cost. Medicare believes this so strongly that they currently reimburse 100% of the cost! Many private insurance companies also offer home care benefits or will pay for home care visits if hospitalization is prevented and care can be safely done in the home setting.
The comfort of personal care in your own home.
We are a Medicare Certified Home Health Agency that provides Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Worker, & Home Health Aide.
Our Mission Statement

To provide the highest level of home care by utilizing a primary nursing model. A primary nursing model has these two important features:
The patients’ nursing and personal care are provided only by Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN).
The patients’ nursing and personal care are provided by the same nursing team on an ongoing basis.
Other home health agencies utilize a model that employs unlicensed home health aides to perform personal cares. The advantage of our primary nursing model is that we provide a higher level of care by employing only Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses.